"Jika kita melakukan perkara yang sama, mana mungkin kita akan mendapat pendapatan yang berbeza"
Baru Bermula: Gabungan diantara keperluan dan permintaan. Gabungan diantara kekuatan produk dan plan. Produk yang hadir dimasa yang tepat dan plan yang membolehkan anda mendapat pendapatan yang lumayan. Anda buat anda untung, anda TAK buat pun anda TETAP untung.
Monday, June 30, 2008
MINYAK NAIK..!!! Relax...
MINYAK NAIK..!!! Relax...
Produk HEBAT yang di cari-cari oleh SEMUA orang!
Kenaikan HARGA MINYAK tidak boleh dibendung lagi...
Semua rakyat merasa bahang kenaikan bahan api ini.
Mari kita mula BERJIMAT sambil menjana pendapatan.
Dengan Modal Mula RM 50,
Anda mampu menjana pendapatan Sampingan sehingga RM 97,000.00!
Untuk maklumat lanjut;
Perniagaan ini sungguh MUDAH. Cuma SMS dan EMAIL laman web anda kepada kawan2. Selainnya, kami buatkan untuk anda.
Anda juga di jemput menyertai kami dalam pemasaran produk HEBAT ini, juga produk-produk lain sebagai alternatif kepada menambahkan pendapatan anda dalam kemelut kegawatan dan kos kehidupan yang makin meningkat.
Terima kasih
Sunday, June 29, 2008
10 Ways To Save Car Fuel
With the rising price of gas here are some tips to reduce you fuel costs, all what needed is for you to try them out so you can see for yourself. Here goes:-
1. Pump up your tires and keep at the correct pressure. Under inflated tires can use up to an extra 7% fuel.
2. Check the wheel the wheel alignment as misalignment can cause increased rolling resistance of your car. Therefore increasing your fuel consumption and wearing out your tires quicker.
3. Remove anything from your car boot that you do not require. For example an extra 30 kg's adds another 2% to fuel consumption.
4. Remove roof and bike racks etc if not in use as they cause air drag.
5. Fill up your car when you see the price for fuel reduced
6. Buy premium unleaded fuel only if will benefit the fuel economy of your car as it costs more to buy. Check your owner's manual to see if your car does actually benefit by using premium fuel.
7. Service your car regularly. For example a clogged air filter can add 10% to your fuel consumption and so can binding brakes or a clogged exhaust system. Regular oil changes with the correct oil will also save fuel as clean oil has better lubricating properties causing less friction in your engine and transmission.
8. Driving smoothly, with as little sudden acceleration or braking as possible, this evens out fuel use and improves the efficiency of your car's engine. If you change gears at the right
time and also do it without strong braking and accelerating, you will save up to about
45% of petrol on the same distances!
9. Shutting all the windows will make your car that bit more aerodynamic.
10. Turning down the Air Conditioning will save fuel as the car does not have to work as hard to maintain a lower temperature.
Article Source:
Do Fuel Savers Work?
The worst concern of the times: Do fuel savers really work?
Over the last five years we have been repeatedly informed that money can be saved by saving gas while using one's car. It all depends on the proper maintenance of the car and making optimum use of the vehicle by following the fuel saving methods. To answer the question do fuel savers work: yes they do and I will show you how.
How does one verify the validity of fuel savers?
Life is hectic and all of us are hard up of time. It is really difficult to find out whether the tall promises made by the systems are true or not. With every rise in the price of fuels I was getting convinced that the car must be disposed of. However, before doing so I thought that it would be a sane decision to assess the utility of the fuel saving methods.
Having investigated several systems making tall claims as fuel savers, it was just one that emerged as effective. It is surprising and sad that several techniques are displayed on line and people often get duped by them. They end buying useless ones that do not work efficiently. It is therefore wiser to read reviews about each product before purchasing them. The vital query is do fuel savers work? The answer can come from sundry sources but one should be alert about whom to believe. Every attempt is obviously going to be made to convince that each product is good.
What is really important is that before going in for the displayed products, one should take the advice of those persons who have already purchased them and have been satisfied with their performance. It is rather foolish to take risks when it concerns the safety of your own car. Even the references or selection of reliable companies can be trusted.
If one needs detailed information about how to go about saving fuel with a fuel saver see below.
Let's analyze the real need of the people and probe deeper into the matter.
What exactly is that which people desire?
The answer to that question is very easy. The life style of the people has to be improved. Certainly one may wish to know the relation between life style and gas price. The expenditure or savings that one has, definitely affects his life style. So if one needs to spend less on fuel, then that saved amount can be used on very many things more important than fuel.
Here's some thing you can do.
Try estimating your total expenditure on gas. Is it more than 1000 dollars per month?
For the sake of assessment let's assume that your fuel expenditure per month is 200 dollars which means it comes to 2400 dollars per annum. It would highly interest you to know that you can reduce this by 40%, which means a neat amount of 960 dollars can be saved every year. Needless to say, that it is definitely profitable, so if more profit is desired then more needs to be invested on gas. This is a possibility only if one uses devices that save fuel.
It is not unusual that, you would still wonder, do fuel savers work?
The surely do, provided the right system is used and a proper instruction guides you to it.
Here's a better option: Won't it be exciting to change your system so that it operates with the help of water instead of gas?
You must be wondering how much that would cost. Not much at all and you can see for yourself here: fuel savers work
Article Source:
Friday, June 27, 2008
What Do You Do to Save Fuel?
The rise of gas prices has brought about some dramatic choices for many people, such as giving up things from their daily existence in order to be able to put some gas in the car every week. It is only natural that under the circumstances people are turning to all sorts of products which save fuel in order to save more than just a few bucks.
Another aspect of the rise of gas prices is that it has led to an increase in the number of fuel savers. The tendency of consumers when the gas prices rise is to look for products that save fuel. Among the steps one can take with the purpose of increasing gas mileage are installing an automotive device or choosing a fuel saver such as a gas additive. Although the amount of savings may vary from one fuel saver to another, these products which save gas have actually proven their effectiveness.
The savings one could realize depends first of all on a series of aspects which are not very much related to fuel savers. Of course it will make a difference if you drive mostly on the highway and less in the city. The type of car you own or your manner of driving will pretty much make a difference when it comes to saving. But none of the above will improve your gas mileage to such an extent that you will be totally pleased. Most people still need to resort to fuel savers and the independent tests performed have shown that gas additives actually save fuel.
What people are mostly interested in when they resort to a fuel saver is , of course, to increase gas mileage significantly. What consumers should also know is that these products which save fuel, don’t do just that. Their benefits go way beyond saving fuel. Among other things, the emissions of your car will be dramatically reduced, it will ensure an accelerated combustion and soon. A fuel saver will also prolong the life of your engine and will decrease the noise made by your engine. Last but not least, a fuel saver will make sure that what is usually exhausted as pollution will be totally burned.
The struggle to save fuel has to begin in the very first stages of choosing your car. There are some aspects which you must not overlook when making a choice for a new car because a good choice can translate into money saving whereas a not so fortunate choice will only cost you a lot of money over the years. Of course there are people you can ask about particular cars which save fuel or you can read about it in magazines or on web sites. But chances are you’ll never be satisfied with the results, and you will eventually have to turn to a fuel saver. And since it’s been demonstrated over and over again that these products save fuel indeed, wouldn’t it be a very wise choice to purchase such a fuel saver earlier than resort to it later when the high costs of fuel for your car have already driven you crazy?
The size of your car, the transmission, manual or automatic, the dimensions of your engine, whether you have rear-wheel or front-wheel drive, all of these will play a significant part whether you can save fuel or not. A smaller engine is said to reduce fuel consumption but that’s not always the case, a small size car is considered to be more efficient as far as saving fuel is concerned, but you may need more than a very small car. What happens then? The safest solution in order to save fuel is to go for a gas additive as a fuel saver because its effectiveness is guaranteed.
For more saving fuel details or related subjects about save fuel and even about fuel saver please visit this website
Article Source:
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Fuel Up Your Car
What component of your car makes it run so much so that when it empties out you can find yourself stranded somewhere?
Well, fuel of course.
Your car’s fuel is very much capable of releasing energy. That is very much why it is used to make your car run and gives you the chance to drive to any destination you choose to go to. The release of its energy actually comes out when its main chemical structure is changed or converted. Most of the changing and conversion of your car’s fuel happens under your car’s hood.
With a very high number of fuel types and kinds available in the market right now, which one do you choose? Remember that your choices range from a wide line up of fuel grades, octane levels, as well as additives. These are readily available for customers at gas stations near you. Now, your dilemma right now is which fuel you would choose to fill up your car’s gas tank.
According to automobile experts, the very first thing to do if you are undecided or if you do not have any idea as per the type or kind of fuel to purchase for your vehicle is to actually go bring out your car owner’s manual. Your car owner’s manual holds vital and essential information about your car and everything included in it. And it certainly includes the type of fuel that would make your car run best and which is recommended. Most modern cars run on the regular unleaded fuel with an 87 octane rating.
If you want to add in premium fuel, you can always do so. However, it would be best if you stuck with the recommended fuel. The only time that you should try premium fuel is when your engine is pinging or is making knocking sounds.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Run Your Car On Water - Fact Or Fiction?
Wouldn't it be wonderful if you could run your car on plain, old water? As gas prices sprint past $4.00 per gallon, the idea sounds interesting. Maybe you've seen the "news" footage of the scientist/inventor burning a torch using only water as fuel? Have you seen all the advertisements, especially on the internet, for hydrogen or "Brown's Gas" (a combination of hydrogen and oxygen) generators that will power your car using only water? Sure is enticing - the ability to drive around using a fuel that costs fractions of a cent per gallon, and emits only water as exhaust. But, before you decide to purchase your own hydroxy (another name for Brown's Gas) manufacturing kit, please read a little further, as the facts do not support the hype surrounding this latest fad.
The term "run your car on water" is misleading at best, as water itself will not burn, and this technology relies on turning water into a gas called Brown's Gas, a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen derived by electrolyzing water (H2o) to "break apart" the H (hydrogen) and the o2 (oxygen). The resulting gas will burn under the right circumstances. Theoretically, this gas could fuel an engine like the one in your car. All you have to do is figure out how to get some of it. Search on Google for "run car on water" and 955,000 results show, mainly from people who will sell you the apparatus to make your own gas. Sounds miraculous - where do I sign up? Not so fast - there are several things you'll need to consider first, before you throw away good money for empty promises.
- Not enough energy in hydrogen. Unfortunately, plain, old gasoline contains more than three times the energy of hydrogen, based on equal volumes. For example, if your car's gas tank holds 20 gallons and you get 20 miles per gallon, you could go 400 miles before your tank ran dry. To go 400 miles on hydrogen, you'd need more than 69 gallons. Of course, you couldn't store this hydrogen (or hydroxy) in your car, as hydrogen is stored under tremendous pressure (very costly and potentially dangerous), so you'd have to manufacture a huge volume of Brown's Gas as you drive. Which leads us to number 2.
- Not enough electrical capacity in your car to manufacture huge volume of "hydroxy." Although there is a lot of chemistry and physics behind this article, for simplicity's sake, the 12 volt electrical system in your car doesn't have anywhere near enough capacity to power an electrolysis system large enough to run your car continuously on generated gas alone. But, proponents say their generating systems are smaller, designed only to enhance your gas mileage by adding just a few percent worth of the Brown's Gas to the gasoline. Which, advocates say, your car's electrical system will handle. If all works as promised, you'd get better overall gas mileage by burning some Brown's Gas along with gasoline. In reality though, the ability to manufacturing enough of the gas to make a difference is practically non-existent.
- It takes more energy to generate the Brown's Gas than the energy received when burning it. Although the actual number varies from scientist to scientist, my research has revealed that from 33% to 66% more energy is required in the manufacture, through conventional electrolysis, of the Brown's gas than is gained through burning in your car's engine . If you went so far as to purchase a converter and was able to make enough Brown's gas to at least partially run your car, you'd experience a net decrease in miles per gallon. And, scientists say that any gas that was created would be more efficiently used in a fuel cell, as the electric motors of a fuel cell car are much more efficient than the internal combustion engine.
There are plenty of claims of people getting good results from these "run your car on water" kits, but I've yet to see an actual, controlled laboratory test of one of these set-ups. One "informational" site advises against installing a conversion kit on a new vehicle as "most brand new cars are already quite fuel efficient." Also, by modifying your car to accommodate one of these kits, you may void any warranty on the vehicle. Most internet "info" sites are people with a financial interest in selling you one of these kits of dubious value, or the information to build your own. The facts show that the possibility of running your car on water, and doing so economically is bogus. Buyers: Beware.
Dan Morton is a car enthusiast, author and recovering engineer.
Article Source:
Which Gas Savers Should We Buy Or Not?
There are dozens of ways to save money on gas as you are reading this. You could easily start saving money by changing a few of your daily habits. You could save money by doing the proper maintenance on your car everything it need something done. And you could also save money by using different gas savers.
Now today we are going to look at the different gas savers and find out which ones are worth investing money in.
The Fuel Magnet :
The magnet is a little two inches box that has to be fixed on a gas line. This is very easy to install and can be done by absolutely anybody by using a simple tie wrap. What this magnet actually does is it realigns the fuel molecules when they pass by the magnet. And aligned fuel molecule will require less power from the engine and consequently, will help you save money on gas..
Say so..
But if it makes any difference, you would never be able to measure it.
The Fuel Turbine
These devices are installed between the air filter and the intake manifold. They usually work with a spinning blade that makes the airflow whirl like small tornado. This is supposed to mix fuel better with air, which means that the fuel should burn more completely in the combustion chamber.
Yes, the amount of air is increased, but the space filled by the device will actually only block the airflow and reduce the amount of air coming to the manifold. So basically, what stops this device from working good is... the device itself. Once again, the results achieved with this system are nothing compared to the expectations people have with it.
The Hydrogen Gas Saver
A hydrogen gas saver is a device that is installed in your car, most of the time right next to the engine. This device will electrolyze some water, which will create H2 (hydrogen) and O (oxygen). These two are then infected into the vehicles' intake manifold. This will increase gas mileage, decrease gas emissions, increase your torque and it will also clean up your engine every time you drive, because of the water once again.
The big question is: Does this actually work?
It will depend on which device you buy.
Why can these guys help you quit your day job for good. Article Source: | ![]() |
Sunday, June 22, 2008
The Truth Behind Hydrogen Gas Saver Devices
A hydrogen gas saver is a device which uses the electric energy of the vehicle in order to to conduct a process of electrolysis on the water, the result from the electrolysis process is hydrogen and oxygen gases which are used to propel the vehicle. The hydrogen and oxygen supplement the gas in the vehicle, meaning the vehicle uses both gas and the hydrogen and oxygen to power the vehicle. By powering the engine of the vehicle partially with hydrogen and oxygen the gas consumption is significantly decreased, thus better fuel economy is attained. Hydrogen gas saver devices have a lot of potential, and their popularity is rising just as the gas prices are rising.
Is a hydrogen gas saver device worth it? In most cases it can be said that they're worth it, you make an investment for the hydrogen kit, and you make savings in gas, thus with time you return the investments you made on the hydrogen gas saver.
There are various hydrogen gas saver devices. There are hydrogen generator kits which are fairly effective for increasing fuel economy and getting more mpg. However these hydrogen gas saver devices cost from 800$ up to 10.000$ depending on the brand and type of device. This is a big investment and not everyone is able to afford to buy a costly hydrogen generator kit. If you're looking to buy a hydrogen gas saver device I wouldn't recommend buying a Hydrogen Generator kit because of the high price.
Fortunately there is a cheaper solution. There are several good Hydrogen gas saver 'Do it yourself' kits which cost from 45$ up to 100$ and provide step by step instructions on what needs to be done in order for the water to be transformed to hydrogen and oxygen, and injected into the manifold of the intake. The kits are fairly simple and anyone, even people without mechanical knowledge can follow them and apply their methods, which would save money eventually get them a better mileage and saving them money on gas, while decreasing emissions at the same time. These kits can be applied to any car or truck. To find out more about these Hydrogen gas saver 'Do It yourself' kits visit
Vince Martela is a reputable automotive engineer with years of experience working in the auto industry with the goal of improving the fuel efficiency of vehicles and alternative fuel, To find out more about him visit Article Source: | ![]() |
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Kereta-kereta konsep idaman di Tokyo Motor Show
- Toyota Hi-CT

Toyota Hi-CT, diiklankan sebagai kenderaan bagi bandar yang menarik untuk generasi seterusnya, terbina khususnya untuk jalan-jalan kota yang sempit dan ciri-ciri sebuah enjin hibrid yang anda caj dengan memasang saluran keluar dinding. Bateri-bateri adalah distorkan di bawah lantai untuk lebih padat, reka bentuk tegak, dan 100V AC dalaman saluran keluar yang menyediakan penumpang-penumpang satu cara yang mudah untuk memberi kuasa kepada alat-alat elektronik mudah alih mereka. Geladak belakang adalah cukup besar untuk mengangkut basikal-basikal dan papan luncur, atau ia boleh dilengkapi dengan satu tempat bagasi yang boleh dicabut.
- Mazda Taiki


Hiper aerodinamik Mazda Taiki adalah kenderaan keempat dalam siri Mazda Nagare kereta-kereta berdasarkan aliran konsep. Diinspirasikan oleh Japanese Koinobori - panji-panji berhias bentuk ikan-karp - reka bentuk Taiki bermakna untuk secara visual ekspresi pengaliran udara (secara kebetulan, taiki bermakna atmosfera di Jepun). Dengan prestasi alam sekitar dan pemanduan yang menakjubkan, enjin putar Taiki generasi seterusnya dan layout enjin-depan pacuan-belakang boleh digambarkan dengan baik kepada masa depan kereta-kereta sport Mazda yang direka bagi membantu menjayakan sebuah masyarakat yang lebih mampan.
- Honda PUYO


Rekaaan Eko-mesra Honda PUYO kenderaan bahanapi-sel adalah bermakna untuk mencipta satu tanggapan lembut, mesra dan menghiburkan penghuni-penghuni serta penduduk sekitar. Reka bentuk kotak lembut dan tidak berkelim memberi PUYO bahagian dalam yang luas dan daya penarik seekor binatang peliharaan yang comel yang meminta-minta untuk disentuh. 'Gel badan' PUYO dibuat daripada bahan-bahan lembut direka bagi meningkatkan keselamatan, lampu-lampu besar yang dimasukkan dan kilauan pencahayaan lain melalui kulit lembut yang lut cahaya dalam harapan untuk memelihara satu hubungan lebih lembut antara manusia dan mesin.
- Nissan Pivo 2


Seperti Pivo asal Nissan, Pivo 2 berkuasa-elektrik empat roda unit berkuasa-individu menukar 90 darjah untuk menggerakkan kereta ke mana-mana arahan, manakala kabin putaran 360 darjah membenarkan pemandu untuk menghadap ke hadapan pada sepanjang masa. Pivo 2 yang terkemuka kebanyakan meningkatkan adalah papan pemuka mendaki NEC Papero ejen robot yang boleh membawa perbualan-perbualan dan membaca air muka untuk memantau keadaan pemandu. Tambahan bagi membantu dengan fungsi-fungsi kenderaan asasi, Papero boleh membantu mengemudikan jalan-jalan dan mencari tempat letak kereta, mencadangkan di mana berhenti untuk minum kopi jika melihat pemandu mengantuk, dan meringankan suasana dengan mengangguk dan berkelakuan gembira.
- Daihatsu Mud Master-C

Daihatsu berkerja dengan basikal gunung bintang Raita Suzuki untuk merekabentuk Mud Master-C, sebuah pengangkut yang padat dan ringan paling sesuai untuk menyokong tugas MTB. Mud Master-C memberikan ciri-ciri kukuh badan bingkai pembinaan, satu sistem pengurangan pusat yang inovatif dan tayar 16 inci off-road yang menyediakan lebih 37 sentimeter (14.5 inci) pembersihan kawasan, membenarkan ia untuk menceburi ke dalam kawasan basikal gunung. Tiga pintu seperti sayap burung Gull gergasi untuk memuat dan memunggah kargo.
- Mitsubishi i MIEV Sport

Sepasang pada roda motor menjalankan dua buah roda depan eko mesra Mitsubishi i MIEV Sport kereta mini elektrik, manakala motor lain menjalankan roda belakang. I MIEV Sport mempunyai satu julat 200 kilometer (120 batu) dan adalah dikuasakan oleh ion litium bateri, dengan jus tambahan disediakan oleh tambahan sel-sel suria dipasang di atas bumbung, satu kipas penjana diperlekap dalam jerjak/gril depan, dan satu sistem pembrekan yang menjana semula yang memulihkan tenaga apabila kereta diperlahankan. Kecekapan terus adalah diperolehi dengan kuasa simpanan LED dan tingkap kaca penyerap haba, dan ciri-ciri dalaman banyak komponen-komponen bioplastic.
- Suzuki X-HEAD

Kenderaan lintasan utiliti Suzuki X-HEAD yang versatil adalah terbina untuk pengembaraan dan perjalanan dalam bandar, dan boleh dilengkapi dengan satu unit-unit kepelbagaian muatan dasar sesuai untuk situasi-situasi berbeza. Unit 'orang berkhemah' boleh dicantum untuk menyediakan ruang tidur untuk dua orang dewasa, unir 'Fesyen' membenarkan untuk mobiliti bandar yang bergaya, dan unit 'Penyelamat' adalah ideal untuk operasi-operasi penyelamatan kecemasan dalam persekitaran ekstrim.
- Suzuki Sustainable Mobility (PIXY + SSC)

Kenderaan konsep Suzuki Sustainable Mobility mengandungi dua unit - pod pengangkutan peribadi halaju rendah bernama PIXY dan satu unit mobiliti berasaskan-kereta mini bernama Suzuki Sharing Coach (SSC). Ideal untuk lawatan singkat sekitar bandar, PIXY direka untuk mengangkut individu-individu sepanjang lorong pejalan kaki dan ke dalam bangunan-bangunan. PIXY muat di dalam SSC untuk perjalanan lebih panjang, dan satu sistem kawalan berkongsi membenarkan pemandu untuk mengoperasi SSC dari dalam PIXY. PIXY boleh juga berada bersama-sama dengan satu unit kereta lumba bernama SSF dan satu unit bot bernama SSJ.
Get Your Vehicle Windshield Repaired at No Cost
You can choose any facility you want to do the repair and they will contact the insurance company, help you file a glass only claim for repair only and it usually takes less than 30 minutes to do a repair and call in the claim. Repairing your windshield helps the environment by keeping glass out of landfills and you keep the factory windshield seal so there are no leaks. All repair companies that I know of give a lifetime warranty on repairs so you may never have to replace your windshield unless something actually cracks it bad enough.
Most insurance companies will allow repairs up to six inches in length. As long as the damage is not in the drivers direct view it can be repaired and is nearly invisible when done correctly. Look in your local phone book to find an auto glass service provider to help you with any questions you may have and they will gladly help you. You can even ask your insurance agent about it and he may be able to recommend a repair shop to you.
If you have any kind of small damage to your windshield you should have it repaired as soon as possible because road vibration or more rocks hitting the glass can cause a lot bigger problem and cost you a lot of money.
I hope this article helps a lot of people save a lot of money. Thank you for your time.
Article Source:
Fuel Pump and Injection Repairs
Electric fuel pumps will experience problems with wear after many years of continuous service. Gradual loss of pressure and flow can result from the wear on pump vanes, rollers or gears. If the inlet filter sock lets sediment or rust get by then you will also have accelerated wear. This can even cause serious problems such as overheat and burn out if the pump becomes jammed with the sediment. Lubrication and cooling of the fuel pump only occurs when fuel is passing through it.
If you start having problems with your fuel pump then the first thing you should do is check the voltage supply and the electrical connections. You may simply just need to replace a fuse or loose wire. However, if everything is fine then you will need to run a measuring static output pressure and fuel delivery test to check the ability of the pump to deliver fuel. If your pump is not meeting manufacturer's requirements after these test then you will need to replace the entire fuel pump.
When replacing your fuel pump always remember to disconnect the battery to prevent unwanted sparks during the replacement process. And always remember to drain the tank first. Before putting in a new fuel pump it is always a good idea to also replace the filter screen and use new o-ring and gaskets.
Article Source:
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Car Powered by Water
A car powered by water is a fact now. It has been a reality for several years. Over 70,000 Americans, 8,000 Australians and 5,000 Brits now have a car powered by water. Each of them has added an HHO kit to their vehicles themselves. It is incredibly easy to do and there is absolutely zero danger to the existing engine.
In fact an internal combustion engine with a hydrogen cell added has been shown to last twice as long as an engine powered solely by gas. There is actually a slight increase in the performance of the engine, so that is not an issue. Of course the big factor is that a car powered by water increases the efficiency of the engine and cuts gas costs in half.
Let me get straight what I mean by a car powered by water. Virtually all kits are an addition to the existing gas powered system. They are an add-on in the form of a cell containing an electrolyte which produces electricity and improves the efficiency of the gas engine. As things stand at the moment, a vehicle run entirely on water would be tortuous and is not yet really practical.
In an age where governments are becoming increasing worried (supposedly) about low carbon economies, resource conservation, carbon emissions and carbon capture, it seems incredible that so little attention is being paid to bio cars. Why is all the innovation being left to bright cookies who have come up with do it yourself guides? It beggars belief.
It doesn't really matter too much because get a good guide for converting your existing vehicle to a car powered by water and you can do it yourself for less than $300 without any technical expertise. I know, because I have already converted over 10 cars myself and I am certainly no mechanic. I have done each one at cost, but believe me, my friends would have been more than happy to pay 2 or 3 times that amount. They are all now happily saving from anything between $500 each year and up to $1800 a year on gas. Their cars perform better and their servicing bills are lower.
So what is the problem for the large manufacturers fitting hydrogen cells as an option on all cars? If it costs me less than 300 bucks to do it myself, surely they could fit HHO cells for a fraction of the price. It is not as if it is unproven technology. It is good for the environment, which everyone seems to spout as their main priority. It makes us less dependant on the supply of natural resources from foreign countries. It is great for the consumer because he or she spends less on running a vehicle.
Perhaps that is where the problem lies. Do you remember not so long ago the resistance to low-energy light bulbs? Manufacturers of standard light bulbs were horrified by the prospect. They were deliberately building in a low life expectancy so consumers would be forced to buy more of their product. Unfortunately, governments tend to support big business and ignore the concerns of consumers.
Which is the Best Fuel Saver Product?
The sales of guides and manuals on how to build and install these car fuel saving devices has exploded in recent months. One publisher, who was selling four or five copies of his instruction manual per week, is now selling over a hundred every day. There is no doubt that this sort of DIY technology has really caught the imagination of the public and it does rather leave one wondering why the mainstream manufacturers cannot latch on to this technology and install these fuel saving devices in new cars as a matter of course. If they really can save as much fuel as they claim, they would be doing us all a favor.
But, if they're not going to come to the party, then we are left to fit our own equipment.
To do this, of course, we need to know what we are doing. There are dozens of guides on the market now which detail how to build and install a hydrogen generator under the hood of your car. When piped into your engine, along with the regular gasoline, they are claimed to improve your fuel economy enormously. But if you sit down and read them all, you will probably come to the same conclusion on the best fuel saver product as me. Firstly, although it is not essential to understand the physics of the hydrogen generation process, it certainly helps to have a clear understanding of what is going on and how your system works. It can help you appreciate why it is designed as it is, what features are important and perhaps how you can modify or tweak your own system for maximum performance. This type of background information is enormously helpful when you are undertaking a do-it-yourself project.
The best fuel saver product should also never leave you stranded halfway through the project because, for example, you find it difficult to source a particular part. It should provide you with a comprehensive list of parts suppliers and make plenty of help available in the unlikely event that you get stuck.
It should also give you a full installation guide, suitable for a wide variety of vehicles. Remember that this hydrogen technology is suitable for all vehicles from small city compacts to large diesel trucks so a wide range of installation scenarios needs to be covered.
Finally, of course, the best fuel saver product should give plenty of advice on testing and adjusting your system. It is easy to lose sight of the fact that unless properly adjusted to suit the particular characteristics of your vehicle, you could be leaving some of the potential economy benefits on the table.
There is only one guide that scores five stars on all these multiple criteria - and that is the Water4Gas system developed by Ozzie Freedom. As far as I am concerned it ticks all the boxes and is the best fuel saver product available on the market today.
Monday, June 16, 2008
A Simple Solution for Saving Fuel
By Bud Weiss
With fuel prices on the rise, saving fuel is again a top priority. If you drive, higher fuel prices probably are taking a bigger bite out of your budget. But what’s unnerving about this round of increasingly higher fuel prices is it isn’t showing signs of leveling off.If you’re already feeling the pinch of higher fuel prices, that pinch is certain to become more painful. So what are your options?
Time and again you hear that reducing the amount of miles you drive is an easy way of saving fuel. Yea right! With a daily round-trip commute to your full-time job and all the day-to-day errands to handle, it’s unlikely you can limit the number of trips to the fuel pump. Driving less sounds good in theory but in reality, it’s not always practical advice.
Something that is within your control is optimizing your car’s performance. You’ve probably even taken some fuel saver steps such as ensuring your tires are properly inflated, replacing dirty air filters, making fewer stops, and removing excess weight from your vehicle. But have you noticed that big a change in the fuel prices you pay as a result? Probably not.
Filling up using alternative fuel sounds promising and it sounds like the perfect solution but again, there’s a small but significant problem. Alternative fuel isn’t readily available! There probably aren’t even any fuel pumps in your neighborhood dispensing alternative fuel.
And the same goes for using fuel cells to power alternative fuel vehicles. It’s an idea that promises results, but it’s just beginning to catch on. Fuel cells are expensive to produce and although the fuel cell has been around 150+ years, the technology involved in using a fuel cell as a way of saving fuel is still in its infancy.
So what can you do right NOW?
If you’re serious about saving fuel (and who isn’t?) all you need to do is add a tested and proven fuel additive into your vehicle’s tank every time you visit the fuel pump. It doesn’t matter what you drive – car, truck, SUV, or diesel. By doing this you’ll get more miles out of every gallon you pump! Now that’s simple. And it’s smart. And it’s something you can do today.
Several fuel saver additives are currently available but some aren’t living up to their promises. So look for a product that states right on the label that it’s registered with the US EPA.
Then look for a fuel additive that does double-duty. In other words, while you’re saving fuel, you may as well do your part to save the environment! It’s easy when you use a fuel additive that works to reduce vehicle emissions. Nowadays it’s more important than ever to do what you can to reduce your impact on the environment. And what could be easier than using a fuel additive?
So stop complaining about ever-increasing fuel prices and start saving fuel (and the environment) with a proven fuel additive. It really is a simple solution!
Are You Looking For A Good Fuel Saver To Save Fuel?
By Radha Kishan
Everyone has a desire to make use of vehicles like four wheelers and two wheelers as their means of transport. You cannot afford to hire a taxi or move to your office by bus or some means of transport which is not owned by you. This is because when all your friends have a car or bike of their own, you feel to put yourself in lower standard as compared to them who have their own vehicles. So more or less its compulsory for you to own a car or bike of your own.
But also its a fact that some people don't have budget to pay for the heavy fuel cost and maintainence charges for their car. So here comes the role of some sort of products like a fuel saver which can help to reduce the fuel cost. If you are unaware, you should now get yourself aware of the fact that some of the fuel savers, now available in the market, have great potential to save fuel and save your money at petrol pumps. However, the most difficult part is to make the judgement which fuel saver is the right one for you because the market is flooded with all sorts of fuel savers due to its great demand.
If you are not careful you can easily make a mistake to choose or buy a fuel saver which is more or less worthless. This is because many frauds are also going and one can also get into hand a duplicate fuel saver. And When that duplicate fuel saver will not help you to reduce fuel cost, this will tend you to loose faith in such fuel saver products. Certainly you will not want that. A good fuel saver is one which has all the qualities you can expect to increase the efficiency of your engine. Here you will find some tips to choose a good fuel saver for you.
There are certain fuel saver companies which have their own trade mark and they are government approved and certified. Such companies often have their authorized distributors. Products of such companies are never sold locally. They are only sold with retailers who have been into business for long long time and approved. So first thing you need to make sure while buying a fuel saver, do not buy from just anyone on road. Buy from some established store and look for company trade mark and seal.
But this is also true that there are many companies which are government approved and sell their fuel saver product legally. But yet the product sold by one company is not that effective as the same product sold by another company. So here you find yourself in another difficult situation to decide which fuel saver company is good for you. But it can be overcome. You might have noticed that almost all fuel saver companies provide with samples of their fuel saver for a very nominal charge. You can make use of these samples to first test out which fuel saver is helping to run your vehicle smoothly and also saving fuel for you.