
"Jika kita melakukan perkara yang sama, mana mungkin kita akan mendapat pendapatan yang berbeza"

Baru Bermula: Gabungan diantara keperluan dan permintaan. Gabungan diantara kekuatan produk dan plan. Produk yang hadir dimasa yang tepat dan plan yang membolehkan anda mendapat pendapatan yang lumayan. Anda buat anda untung, anda TAK buat pun anda TETAP untung.

Berapa lama anda mahu pergi kerja 7 pagi, balik 7 malam?
Baru 15hb setiap bulan, wang gaji anda telah habis?
Berapa jumlah wang yang anda mampu simpan sebulan?
Berapa banyak hutang anda?
Adakah anak anda mendapat apa yang sepatutnya dia dapat dari segi keperluan harian, kualiti persekolahan?
Berapa banyak wang yang telah anda berikan untuk ibubapa?
Bilakah anda ingin meningkatkan lagi taraf kehidupan anda?
Oleh itu, anda perlu berniaga. 9 dari 10 punca rezeki adalah berniaga. Pada tahun 2007, perniagaan seperti yang kami tawarkan ini telah meyumbangkan RM6 billion untuk ekonomi Malaysia dan pengiatnya ada 4 juta orang.
Petrol sekarang RM2.70 seliter? Dan yang lebih membimbangkan lagi, biasanya barang lain akan turut naik - Kami ada penyelesaian untuk kurangkan kos petrol dan menambahkan pendapatan anda.

Fikirkan.. di Malaysia, kenapa orang yang berpendapatan puluhan ribu ringgit dan golongan profesional juga turut merebut peluang seperti ini ?? Anda bagaimana?

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Do Fuel Savers Work?

The worst concern of the times: Do fuel savers really work?

Over the last five years we have been repeatedly informed that money can be saved by saving gas while using one's car. It all depends on the proper maintenance of the car and making optimum use of the vehicle by following the fuel saving methods. To answer the question do fuel savers work: yes they do and I will show you how.

How does one verify the validity of fuel savers?

Life is hectic and all of us are hard up of time. It is really difficult to find out whether the tall promises made by the systems are true or not. With every rise in the price of fuels I was getting convinced that the car must be disposed of. However, before doing so I thought that it would be a sane decision to assess the utility of the fuel saving methods.

Having investigated several systems making tall claims as fuel savers, it was just one that emerged as effective. It is surprising and sad that several techniques are displayed on line and people often get duped by them. They end buying useless ones that do not work efficiently. It is therefore wiser to read reviews about each product before purchasing them. The vital query is do fuel savers work? The answer can come from sundry sources but one should be alert about whom to believe. Every attempt is obviously going to be made to convince that each product is good.

What is really important is that before going in for the displayed products, one should take the advice of those persons who have already purchased them and have been satisfied with their performance. It is rather foolish to take risks when it concerns the safety of your own car. Even the references or selection of reliable companies can be trusted.
If one needs detailed information about how to go about saving fuel with a fuel saver see below.

Let's analyze the real need of the people and probe deeper into the matter.

What exactly is that which people desire?

The answer to that question is very easy. The life style of the people has to be improved. Certainly one may wish to know the relation between life style and gas price. The expenditure or savings that one has, definitely affects his life style. So if one needs to spend less on fuel, then that saved amount can be used on very many things more important than fuel.

Here's some thing you can do.

Try estimating your total expenditure on gas. Is it more than 1000 dollars per month?

For the sake of assessment let's assume that your fuel expenditure per month is 200 dollars which means it comes to 2400 dollars per annum. It would highly interest you to know that you can reduce this by 40%, which means a neat amount of 960 dollars can be saved every year. Needless to say, that it is definitely profitable, so if more profit is desired then more needs to be invested on gas. This is a possibility only if one uses devices that save fuel.

It is not unusual that, you would still wonder, do fuel savers work?

The surely do, provided the right system is used and a proper instruction guides you to it.
Here's a better option: Won't it be exciting to change your system so that it operates with the help of water instead of gas?

You must be wondering how much that would cost. Not much at all and you can see for yourself here: fuel savers work

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