
"Jika kita melakukan perkara yang sama, mana mungkin kita akan mendapat pendapatan yang berbeza"

Baru Bermula: Gabungan diantara keperluan dan permintaan. Gabungan diantara kekuatan produk dan plan. Produk yang hadir dimasa yang tepat dan plan yang membolehkan anda mendapat pendapatan yang lumayan. Anda buat anda untung, anda TAK buat pun anda TETAP untung.

Berapa lama anda mahu pergi kerja 7 pagi, balik 7 malam?
Baru 15hb setiap bulan, wang gaji anda telah habis?
Berapa jumlah wang yang anda mampu simpan sebulan?
Berapa banyak hutang anda?
Adakah anak anda mendapat apa yang sepatutnya dia dapat dari segi keperluan harian, kualiti persekolahan?
Berapa banyak wang yang telah anda berikan untuk ibubapa?
Bilakah anda ingin meningkatkan lagi taraf kehidupan anda?
Oleh itu, anda perlu berniaga. 9 dari 10 punca rezeki adalah berniaga. Pada tahun 2007, perniagaan seperti yang kami tawarkan ini telah meyumbangkan RM6 billion untuk ekonomi Malaysia dan pengiatnya ada 4 juta orang.
Petrol sekarang RM2.70 seliter? Dan yang lebih membimbangkan lagi, biasanya barang lain akan turut naik - Kami ada penyelesaian untuk kurangkan kos petrol dan menambahkan pendapatan anda.

Fikirkan.. di Malaysia, kenapa orang yang berpendapatan puluhan ribu ringgit dan golongan profesional juga turut merebut peluang seperti ini ?? Anda bagaimana?

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Fuel Pump and Injection Repairs

The fuel pump and injector are vital to keeping your car running well. If your fuel pump and injector don't operate properly then you will issues with driving and emission. A fuel pump that is simply weak during operation will cause issues with the calibration of your fuel system. As a result you will have problems such as hard starting, poor idle quality, hesitation or stumbling when you accelerate and a loss in the high speed power of your vehicle.

Electric fuel pumps will experience problems with wear after many years of continuous service. Gradual loss of pressure and flow can result from the wear on pump vanes, rollers or gears. If the inlet filter sock lets sediment or rust get by then you will also have accelerated wear. This can even cause serious problems such as overheat and burn out if the pump becomes jammed with the sediment. Lubrication and cooling of the fuel pump only occurs when fuel is passing through it.

If you start having problems with your fuel pump then the first thing you should do is check the voltage supply and the electrical connections. You may simply just need to replace a fuse or loose wire. However, if everything is fine then you will need to run a measuring static output pressure and fuel delivery test to check the ability of the pump to deliver fuel. If your pump is not meeting manufacturer's requirements after these test then you will need to replace the entire fuel pump.

When replacing your fuel pump always remember to disconnect the battery to prevent unwanted sparks during the replacement process. And always remember to drain the tank first. Before putting in a new fuel pump it is always a good idea to also replace the filter screen and use new o-ring and gaskets.

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